Wednesday 4 March 2015


University is such a scary process..

I am currently in my third year of college after taking one year of AS levels to decide they weren't for me to which I progressed onto an extended diploma in Graphic Design that I love.

Naturally, you have to be 100% certain that you want to take on another three more years education out of your time to study a subject in depth and I feel you have to have the strong will and passion to do so and achieve something special and worth while.
Also of course take into consideration there's the whole £9000 worth per year JUST for the course itself.. which is outrageous to say the least..

But the biggest question is, "Am I going to benefit?" but who's to know.. it's a whirlwind of a question that you can put a definitive answer too..

I have now narrowed down my two University option choices from, Falmouth University and Birmingham City University.. Both complete opposite ends of the spectrum, geographical and area wise.

Falmouth is right on the tippy tip of England, a beautiful seaside town, with old salty dog sailors, palm trees and art students dotted around.. 
Whereas Birmingham - the second largest city in the UK, is local to me and not too far to travel if I need to quickly nip back for anything.. especially washing!
But I suffer from feel anxious and panicky when I'm in a large place with lots of people, I feel surrounded and as if they're in my personal space.. hence why I despise going shopping on Saturdays when people bump into you or just walk in front of you cutting across.. literally cannot cope.. And all in all i'm not really a massive fan of Cities.
However, both university course just seem amazing.
The problem is, I have so many pros and cons to weigh up, there's the consideration of my family, boyfriend and friends.. yet, I know that whatever I chose they'll stand by me and support me the whole way through the process.
Transportation is regular and have communication mechanisms like FaceTime and Skype.. But it's just not the same as being in person.
...and hopefully they might come and visit me, if they're feeling nice.

I've never been away from home for a long period of time. 
Along will come new experiences, new friends, new challenges and of course the challenge of working out how to use a washing machine without my mum there.
It's inevitable to be homesick, but I suppose we all have to fly the nest at some stage.
I suppose I'll just look at it as one big adventure..

It seems I have covered a lot of negatives in this post, so it may come across as a surprise that I am actually super excited to go to University.
Although at times it'll be hard, I'm sure it'll be worth while and help me succeed in the communicative industry that I wish to work in.

Birmingham City University

Falmouth University